Amandalina Letterio

Apr 3, 20207 min

30 Things to do while social distancing at home

Updated: May 3, 2022

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise in North America, everyone has come to the realization that we will be staying home for longer than we could have imagined. Considering it's in our best interest to listen to government and health officials, I've been trying to see the positive in this situation. I'm the type of person who enjoys being busy, I don't have a lot of down time normally and I am rarely home. Perhaps this is an opportunity to slow down and work on some goals I set for myself but fell by the wayside because of the bustle of everyday life. I genuinely enjoy feeling productive and I need to channel my energy into beneficial things [type A personality problems], so just sitting around during this time could drive me stir-crazy. Here are 30 things to do while social distancing:

Make a To Do list & Schedule it out.

We all have a list of things we said we were going to do but never got around to because we got busy. Write a list. Once you do, it will get you excited to start crossing things off and you'll look forward to doing one everyday. When life goes back to normal, you will wish you had used this time to get stuff done. This is even a good time to revisit your New Year's resolution and reignite some of those goals you had.

Next, create a schedule for yourself. Spread your goals throughout the week. Do something different each day. Whether you're laid off or working from home, it's important to create a schedule for yourself. Implement 30 minute breaks every 3 hours to go for a walk or do something active - it will make you more productive.

Purge Your Closet

Spring cleaning came a early this year thanks to the #StayHome movement. I decided to clean out my closet and switch over to my spring/summer wardrobe. I do this twice a year and it feels great. Take some tips from Marie Kondo and let go of any items you don't need. Donate the ones that are in good shape.

Start a New Project

I have had seven empty picture frames waiting to be put up on the wall for months but I just haven't had time to do so. Look around your house for unfinished projects. Check out if there's anything you'd like to change. Here's the perfect opportunity! If you need tools or materials, order them online.


The most important aspect of meditation is learning how to be in the moment. Our current situation has people feeling anxiety. Research tips on how to meditate and learn how to embrace this me-time and be in the moment. Download Calm to help with meditation and sleep.


Search yoga videos on YouTube, follow along with a local yoga instructor, or download a yoga app.

Learn Something New

Have you ever wanted to play an instrument or learn another language? Now is the time to Google search some online classes to learn a new skill. I'm starting a free online sewing class this week!

Watch a Lengthy Movie

I have always wanted to watch Gone With the Wind but it's a 3 hour and 58 minute movie. We all have a lengthy movie we want to watch but don't have the time; The Irishman, Avatar, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, the list goes on. Pick one & pop the corn.

Go for a Walk, Run, or Bike Ride

I have added 3 walks into my schedule daily and honestly it has made a world of a difference. It gives me a break from work, makes me feel more productive, and it's exercise! It's also nice because I see other humans on my walk (which is a big deal these days). Most importantly, it gets me out of the house. When the weather gets warmer, I’ll throw in a bike ride. (Any excuse to ride my adorable bike, hehe).

Do Your Taxes

Seriously, I did my taxes last week and it kept me busy.

Online Shop

It may be a bad idea, but it may be a great idea. Treat yourself to something, it will cheer you up. You also get to look forward to a package coming in the mail. Try not to overspend. Click here to learn how to protect yourself from COVID-19 when receiving packages.

Test some Natural Face and Hair Masks

I'm fond of anything that is made of natural ingredients. Look up some natural-ingredient hair and face masks. For years, I have been doing an avocado and egg hair mask and I LOVE it! However, it's a bit time consuming. Enter COVID-19. Try my favourite all-natural hair mask!


Have a Games Night

Even if you're self isolating or social distancing by yourself, you can play games with friends online. Or if you're with someone, take a break from looking at the screens and play board games or cards. Save this for a Friday or Saturday so that you have something to look forward to & throw cocktails into the mix.

You could even try some brain stimulation game apps like Lumosity. Brain stimulation apps are intended to improve focus and memory, and make you feel overall sharper.

Detail Your Car

Warmer weather is on the way! Check the Weather Network App and pick a sunny day to empty out your car and give it a good cleaning.

Clean out Your Kitchen Cabinets, Garage, Fridge... etc.

Whether you're in the city or you drove up to your parents' place to social distance with some company, find something to clean. It will pass the time and might even be a two-day job. When I say clean, I mean get serious about cleaning and vacuum and wipe down your freezer. You. Have. Time.

Support a Cause

There are a lot of fundraisers going on right to send hospitals medical supplies. Pick a cause that resonates with you and help raise awareness for it! Here's a great cause to support during this difficult time: 250k Surgical Masks for Frontline Health Workers.

Create Art

When was the last time you painted or sketched a picture? Art can be therapeutic and fun. You might even create something you want to display in your house. Who knows when the next opportunity will present itself for you to sit down and create art.


Talk to a therapist

Staying at home can be difficult especially during these unprecedented times. The uncertainty of COVID-19 and the monotony of being stuck in the house can be depressing. Apps like Talkspace and Basis come highly recommended by

Clean Out Your Phone

Your closet is not the only thing that could use a purge! Staying at home gives you time to back up important photos to a hard drive and make room for new, post COVID-19 memories.

Whiten Your Teeth

The Brite Co. is selling mini LED whitening lamps + whitening gels. They're following the proper COVID-19 protocol and will have the mini lamps delivered to you. Might as well have whiter teeth when you come out of quarantine, right?


Finally catch up on the books you planned to read but never got around to.


Start a virtual book club

Gather some of your friends on a zoom call at the same time for a virtual book club. Pick a downloadable book so that everyone can read it.


Whether it's for a book or a blog, almost every person I know has said at some point that they want to write. Even my non-writer friends. We all have a story to tell. Get out a pen and paper and see what happens.

Family & Friends Cocktail Nights

Send a mass text out to the crew and invite them to a cocktail night on the weekend. Everyone can drink cocktails while catching up on zoom!

Have a spa day

Time is the greatest gift of all. Use it to completely pamper yourself. Sit in a bubbly bath, play some music, drink a glass of wine, paint your nails - do anything you would get done at the spa!

Phone call a Medium or Psychic

Whether you believe in this sort of thing or not, take it with a grain of salt and have a little fun by setting up a phone call with a medium or psychic.

Watch an Online Make-up Tutorial

If you're make-up illiterate like me, this would be a good time to brush up on your skills. NYX Canada will be going live every Friday on IGTV with one of their in-house make-up artists giving followers a tutorial.

Update Your Social Media

If it wasn't for work, I probably wouldn't have any form of social media. I have Instagram and I hardly update it, unless it's for work. I keep a timer on my phone that only allows me to access the app 20 minutes a day and then it locks me out - it keeps me productive. I have a lot of nice photos that I would love to share - might as well post them now! I also know a lot of people who at one point started a side business, like cupcake baking or jewelry crafting. Here's your opportunity to update your social accounts that fell by the wayside.

Try New Recipes

Whether you like to bake or cook, here is your chance to experiment in the kitchen! Easter is coming up so bake some treats. If you're hungry and trying to eat healthy while stuck at home, test out my simple Brussels Sprout Chips recipe! You could even do a virtual cooking class with some of your friends and cook while connected on Zoom.

Make a Vision Board

Even if you're not into vision boards, they are a nice way to set goals for yourself. It will also give you something to look forward to during this uncertain time.

Look up your ancestry!

I reached out to 23andMe and they said that despite COVID-19, they are still processing saliva DNA testing right now. If you know enough about your family history, has a huge database that can help you trace your history without any DNA testing. It's a great time to get in contact with your long lost cousins!